Here is what to expect duing this session.
-It will start with a greeting and introduction to say hello.
-For an In-Office Consultation you will get a tour of our Pectus Center. Beginning in the waiting room where you may find coffee, water and a few snacks. It will move onto the exercise area, the brace workshop and lastly into an exam room.
-History of the pectus defect, such as what age it was first noticed, review of symptons such as pain or shortness of breath, other medical issues, and such other things like activities and sports.
-Next a visual assessment of the pectus defect. This includes the location of the pectus on the chest, it’s severity, and if there are any complexities like rib flare, or rib inversion (sunken areas).
-Measurements of the chest will be taken. They include anterior-posterior (AP or front to back); side-to-side (ML medial-lateral) in addition to several other measurements. The measurements will be taken using a gulick or medical tape measure and our own designed T-Joe pectus calipers for the chest.
-Next there will be a review of the medical device required for care: the T-Joe Pectus Brace for pectus carinatum, Vacuum Bell for pectus excavatum; or the T-Joe Rib Flare brace.
-Wearing times, suggested exercises, and follow-up appointment schedule will be reviewed.
-Lastly questions will be addressed and next appointment scheduled.
-Consultation appointments may be In-Office, or by Telehealth and may be combined with a Fitting appointment of a T-Joe Pectus carinatum brace, Rib Flare Brace or Vacuum Bell.
Pectus Fitting Appointment
This is an In-Office appointment where your child’s chest will be measured and a brace fabricated right there in our on-site pectus brace workshop and fitted to your child.
Brace Fitting Checkup
This is an In-Office or Tele-Health appointment for a
Vacuum Bell Fitting Appointment
Content Needed
Exercise / Workout Session
Content Needed
Video / Telehealth
We know that life gets busy and you may not be able to bring your child to our office. You may also be one of our many long-distance pectus families. Although an in-office appointment is always preferred, a video / telehealth appointment may be the next best option. A video / telehealth appointment will be done right from your home.
An appointment can be scheduled by using our on-line appointment scheduler or feel free to call our office and one of our Pectus Coordinators will be happy to schedule it for you. ALL video appointments are New York City time zone. Adjust for your time zone accordingly.
To prepare for the video appointment, find a private, well-lit, quiet room for the visit since your child will need to be undressed from the waist up (girls will use ‘daisy petal covers’) for their appointment. Try to limit noise, and background activity like people, pets, or a loud tv.
Set up the electronic device you will be using and be sure to have a location with strong internet service, wi-fi or cellular signal. Test the connection ahead of time. Be sure your camera and microphone are working.
Pectus Services will initiate the call at your scheduled time. We make every effort to be timely but on occasion a call may be delayed past your appointment time. During the appointment several things will be reviewed by a T-Joe Pectus Clinician such as: fit of the brace, hours wearing it, results thus far. Have your child’s wearing schedule available. The appointment may last up to 30 minutes.
The conclusion will be a review, plans going forward, and the next appointment date and time.