The Choice is Clear for your child’s Pectus Care…..

Pectus Services – experts in non-surgical pectus treatment options since 1996

  • Vacuum Bell for Pectus Excavatum
  • T-Joe Pectus Bracing System for Pectus Carinatum
  • Exercise for Pectus Care
  • Pre-Nuss Surgery Exercise Program

                 The T-Joe Pectus Improvement Program Since 1996

                 We look forward to providing excellent pectus care!



Why Choose Pectus Services and the T-Joe Pectus Brace?

  • The T-Joe Brace Works!
    • Proven with over 6,000 and counting successful outcomes!
    • With nearly three decades of experience and successful outcomes worldwide!
  • Comfortable
    • Super soft padding 
    • Hygienic – the only pectus brace with washable covers for better comfort included free
  • Quick Wearing Schedule 
    • Only 1 month of full-time wear then weaning off to bedtime only
  • Nearly Invisible under clothing
  • No Restrictions
    • The design of the T-Joe Brace allows for full participation in phys ed class, and most sports
    • Swim Brace available for surfers, swimmers or just having fun at the pool or beach
  • Female Friendly Version
    • T-Joe is the ONLY pectus brace with a version just for GIRLS and it comes in colors like pink or purple 
  • Pecision Technology 
    • Our own radiation-free 3D Pectus Scan imaging of  your child’s chest right in our office for precise measurements and to monitor progress
  • Support
    • Our care doesn’t end with our brace but includes 3 years of monitoring in-office or by tele-health at no additional charge to you 
    • If your child should outgrow their brace it will be replaced with a new upsized one at no additional cost


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Not All Pectus Braces Are The Same!

This photo shows just a few of the many gizmos and gadgets being sold as pectus braces that failed and were turned-in and replaced with our T-Joe Pectus Brace. 

Since creating the first ever pectus brace in the United States in 1996, there are now dozens of copies, and look-alikes on the market. The ones you see pictured are just a few of the many which ended up as expensive clutter on a teens bedroom floor and possibly some arguements between a teen and parents. 

Many of the braces shown are one-size-fits-all with adjustable straps, or sliding padding yet described as ‘custom’. Each and every  T-Joe Brace is hand-made and fully customized for each particular chest shape and size for the optimal outcome.

Oh and it doesn’t end there. We monitor the progress and adjust the brace as needed and maybe even replace it should your child outgrow it at no charge. 

Since becoming the first ever FDA Registered Medical Device for the non-surgical treatment of pectus carinatum in the United States and CE marked for Europe, the T-Joe has a proven track record of improving chest deformities in thousands of boys, girls, teens and young adults.

The T-Joe is availble in not only the USA, but many countries around the world including England and Ireland.

Contact Our Office For More Information


What Our Clients Are Saying…

Thank you, Thank you from Nathan & family Hi Joe!! I just had to write you to tell you THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS for the excellent care you provided to Nathan...
Rob is doing great and he looks great. Cannot thank you enough! You're the best Joe!!
Naomi Evans
Joe, It really makes a difference finding someone who really knows what they're doing. Thank you so much for being the guy who knew what we really needed. With so much gratitude, Naomi Evans

Request More Information

Ready to get started with non-surgical care?  Fill-in the form to the right and one of our Pectus Experts is standing by, ready to help with your child’s pectus carinatum condition. 

We look forward to assisting in your pectus care!

Let's Get Started


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