Adult Pectus Carinatum Bracing

It is not uncommon for our office to receive an email or phone call from an adult requesting help for their protruding chest – pectus carinatum. Most of the calls are from men. Most adults seeking non-surgical treatment have commitments that prohibit them from undergoing surgery – a family; children to raise; a career to name just a few. .  

Often we hear – “my doctor told my parents it’s normal everything is fine”; or the doctor said “I would grow out of it when I get older”; or “lift weights to cover it up” the most troubling is for women who were told – their breasts would cover it. Well that is far from reality. 

For most adults who reach out to us, their chest still bothers them and want to improve it.  


The T-Joe Pectus Brace for Adults

We offer the only Adult Pectus Bracing Program available.  There are several challenges associated with a pectus brace for adults. Don’t worry Pectus Services is experienced and ready to help.

While bracing (non-surgical treatment) can be effective, gradually pushing the protrusion back into a more natural / normal chest position over time. There are several challenges associated with non-surgical bracing treatment for adults, a few are listed below.

  1. Reduced Flexibility: Adults typically have less flexibility in their chest wall compared to children and adolescents. As a result, achieving significant correction with bracing may be more challenging in adults, especially in cases of severe or rigid pectus carinatum.

  2. Discomfort and Skin Irritation: Wearing a chest brace for extended periods can be uncomfortable, particularly for adults who may have less tolerance for pressure on the chest. Skin irritation, chafing, and discomfort under the brace may occur, leading to decreased compliance with wearing the brace as prescribed.

  3. Limited Efficacy: Bracing may be less effective in adults with fully developed skeletal structures and less potential for cartilage remodeling compared to younger individuals. Adults may not achieve as much correction as children or adolescents undergoing bracing treatment.

  4. Psychological Impact: Pectus carinatum can have significant psychological effects, particularly on body image and self-esteem. Adults undergoing bracing treatment may experience additional psychological stress related to wearing the brace, feeling self-conscious about their appearance, or concerns about the effectiveness of treatment.

  5. Financial Considerations: Bracing treatment can be costly, and insurance coverage may vary depending on the individual’s policy and the specific criteria for coverage. Adults considering bracing may need to navigate financial challenges associated with treatment expenses.

  6. Longer Treatment Duration: Achieving optimal correction with bracing in adults may require a longer treatment duration compared to children or adolescents. This prolonged treatment period may require greater commitment and patience from adult patients.

  7. Limited Research and Evidence: While bracing is a recognized treatment option for pectus carinatum, there is relatively limited research and evidence specifically addressing its effectiveness in adults. This lack of robust evidence may contribute to uncertainty regarding the potential benefits and outcomes of bracing treatment for adults.

Despite these challenges, bracing is still considered an effective  treatment option for select adult patients with pectus carinatum, particularly in those who do not want surgery or surgery is not feasible.

It’s essential for adults considering bracing to schedule a Consultation Appointment with one of our highly trained and experienced T-Joe Clinicians to discuss the potential risks, benefits, and suitability of bracing treatment for their individual circumstances.

We look forward to assisting in your Pectus Care! 

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