Vacuum Bell for Pectus Excavatum

Pectus Services is one of the few providers in the United States offering the Vacuum Bell along with a comprehensive 1 year program. We have partnered with Pectus Healing a bell manufacturer. We have found their bell to be lightweight, high quality, and affordable. 

The program begins with completing some basic forms on our hipaa secure server. Some basic information is completed along with medical history. Next schedule an appointment for a Consultation by Telehealth or In-Office to determine if the child is a candidate.

If eligible the next step is an in-office appointment for a fitting. At this appointment measurements are taken such as the child’s height, chest width,  and the depth of the pectus excavatum defect are measured. Photos are also taken using our Pectus Wall Grid chart to help gauge scale and proportion along with monitoring visual progress and improvement.

Measurements are taken manually with a depth gauge along with our own 3D Pectus Scan. Our 3D imaging is done in-office and is radation free especially important for girls. Depth of the excavatum defect and the chest laterally. We then calculate our own Pectus Index (Haller Index).  The pectus index (PI) is based on our own calculation using years of data along with a somatotype body index factor.

The next step is the sizing and fitting of the appropriate size vacuum bell. The parents along with the child are taught how to place the bell onto the chest, number of pumps, hours to wear it and any other information. 

Lastly an exercise program is created that includes strength exercises, stretches to help lift and expand the chest, and lastly to improve the typical ‘pectus posture’ of rolled shoulders and slumped forward head.

Please note we do not offer the vacuum bell by mail. We also only offer it to kids and teens under 14 years old. After this age we have found the chest wall too ridgid to be improved by the bell. 

Our price includes the Initial Assessment, Monthly Appointments to monitor progress, additional 3D scans and measurement during the treatment time. Total Fee for the T-Joe Vacuum Bell Program: $950.00.  

Click here for an appointment. 


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