Thank you, Thank you from Nathan & family
Hi Joe!!
I just had to write you to tell you THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS for the excellent care you provided to Nathan. We were only there the few days for the fitting, but in just that short amount of time you became a hero and a lifelong friend to Nathan. He enjoyed every second he spent with you!
Your compassion, passion and expertise of pectus conditions gave us a new outlook. After watching Nathan suffer with this condition for years with an increase in pain and a decrease in self esteem, as a mother it was heartbreaking. The cardiologist and cardiothoracic surgeons at Oakland Children’s & Stanford Children’s couldn’t help us despite a year of appointments, sternum surgery, CTscan, etc. When I was told by the doctors in January, “we really don’t know how to help Nathan anymore”, I thought to myself, these are some of the top doctors in the country and they are telling me to have Nathan live with it ?!
NO WAY! I immediately went to the internet and destiny led me to your website. Plain and simple, you were put on this earth to treat kids with pectus conditions. Without you I am not sure there would be any help or compassion for these kids and what they are going through. Not just the physical restructuring, but also, the emotional restructuring pectus correction requires.
We have been back home only 5 days since last seeing you. Nathan is pain free wearing his brace and has already gone back to his normal activities. The brace is so easy to put on and off himself. He never even grumbles about wearing it or doing his exercises because already he sees the results of the bracing and is eager to wear it per your instructions. He loves the way his new chest looks and so wearing the brace is motivation to him, so that very soon he will be brace free!
Honestly, it’s hard to find words to truly express our thanks to you. You have made such a huge impact in Nathan’s life in such a short amount of time! We look forward to his final result. Many blessings to you Joe for the amazing work you do for these amazing kids.
With much gratitude,
Tammy & Nathan