Here’s a big HELLO from out West and Southern California !!!!!
Hey Joe,
We hope you have a speedy recovery!! Sounds like you’ve had a string of bad luck. What’s with the back?? Let me understand this… had to have back surgery before you can have your hip repaired?
The Rollins’ would like to thank you again for all help and expertise in treating Mark. He has used his Pectus T-Joe experience as topics in his AP English courses. He has been meaning to write you, but as you know 17 yr old boys tend not to be letter writers.
He is running track at this time and usually places in the top 3. Your help gave him the additional confidence to continue participating in sports and work out. Of course this all contributes to his social standing and personality. He keeps saying no girl friends this year, but I’m always meeting a new “friend”……:)
At any rate, just wanted to let you know we’re thinking of you and wish you the best!!
Dan, Teri and MARK