Patient Testimonial – “H”

Hello Joe,

Thanks for the use of the TomTom and having it available for us to borrow. I don’t know what we would have done without it! The drive home was much more confident with it in the windshield.! I have packaged it up and mailed it back to you as securely as possible let me know that you got it ok.

Most importantly we want to thank you for making Justin’s visits enjoyable and encouraging. H is very excited to put his brace on in the morning all by himself and start his exercises; you are truly inspirational.

He has loosened his brace a little which does not make him nauseated and enables him to be himself and move around normally. I hope this is ok. We will tighten it back as time goes on.

I hope you get a chance to get some sleep. Take care and Thanks again!
Joyce O.

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