I am writing this testimonial letter as a parent as well as a physician. Even though I am a medical doctor, I also am a parent of a son who needed the expertise of Pectus Services and Joe.
I looked through my medical text books from school and also on the internet and found little information on the condition known as ‘pigeon chest’ that was of any real help. I saw Joe’s website and it sparked my interest right away. I was dreading the thought of my son Wyatt having to have surgery.
Before we took my son Wyatt to see Joe, I brought him to a local university hospital where they fitted him with a brace. The brace took 2 weeks to arrive. It was uncomfortable and just plain did not work.
Since then we traveled to see Joe at his facility in New Jersey. I am happy to report that Joe’s T-Joe brace has begun working within days of beginning to wear it and my son is very comfortable and on his way to correction. Wyatt underwent not only getting brace fitting but worked out twice a day with Joe and another of his staff Trainers’ – Pete.
My son also got a very soothing sports type massage from Jennifer who targets the pectus muscles. As Joe promised it really helped to soften and relax his muscles.
I can not speak highly enough of what Joe has done for us. He is a top notch professional and is dedicated and truly cares about his patients. This is something you do not always get in the health care system.
I am so content with Joe’s care I am putting in my cell phone number and e-mail address for anyone who would like to talk with me further about my experience with going to Joe. I would never do this for anyone else because i realize it could result in alot of calls during my practice time, but Joe was a life saver for us and it is the least I can do to promote his company and encourage other parents and their kids.
Sincerely, Roy Donovan M.D.