Patient Testimonial


My son Luke had a pectus problem which became very noticeable when he was in eighth grade (5 years ago). I did a lot of research on the internet before stumbling across Joe’s name in a pectus forum. I was very skeptical and cautious. Joe really can and does help. Not just my son but probably hundreds (by now) of children. The bracing works. In my son’s case, it worked so well that today you’d never know he had a problem. His chest is “perfect” and we owe that to Joe and his bracing system. Luke is a senior in HS this year. He is a excellent wrestler and lacrosse player. He was recruited to play lacrosse for West Point next year. When he was younger he never wanted to take his shirt off at the beach. Now his shirt is off constantly and he’s very proud of his physique. Anyway, Joe has helped many children with pectus problems and he can help your child too.

Call me if you have questions I might be able to answer.


My son Luke (in red) setting a NJ state record in wrestling:

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