Words cannot describe the love and appreciation we feel for Joe. When our son turned ten, we realized that his Pectus Carinatum was not getting better like his pediatrician believed it would. Desperate to find a solution before his teenage years, when we believed it would get worse, we contacted an orthotist for an appointment. This orthotist left my son and I in tears when he told us our son would have to wear a brace 24 hours a day until he was 18 or 19 years old. He suggested we instead take him to his colleague, a surgeon, to have this incredibly scary and invasive surgery to correct it. Luckily, my husband, after scouring the web, found Joe. Joe put all of our fears at ease when he described his process.
Joe is the most kind-hearted, loving person who has made it his mission in life to help kids with Pectus. He made our son feel like he was the most special kid in the world. Our son will never think of his now perfect chest without thanking and thinking of Joe.
The brace was a process. The beginning stages of wearing it were so new that is seemed scary, but slowly, it became second nature. My son knew when to put it on and take it off within the minute of every day. In fact, we had a tornado warning and were sheltered in the basement and his first thought was to grab his brace.
The results of Joe’s brace are nothing short of a miracle. In less than a year, there are no surgery scars, no traumatic feelings, no insecurities, only a perfectly normal handsome chest that Joe’s love and ingenious brace created. We are forever grateful to Joe.
Kat. S – Mom