Jordie’s Story

Hi Joe,

We would like to thank you for all you have done. You have been absolutely amazing and we will be forever grateful for you. I hope that you will be able to establish a place here in Knoxville in the future. I think you would be a great asset to this community. Thank you again, we look forward to seeing you again soon.

If you ever need any assistance within your pectus business, please keep me in mind. I would love to be able to assist you some how in helping other kids. I am also including a website for our family doctor. I honestly think they would be interested in supporting you in what you do non-surgically with your brace. They are a great bunch of Doctors in a huge building with all types of medical practices.
Many blessing to you and your practice, God Bless.

Angela O… (Jordie’s Mom)

Good Report from Stephanie


Great to hear on your wedding, A…..n is doing great and is now 6’4″ and filling out some…He is doing well in baseball, especially pitching. His chest is perfect Thanks to you !


Patient Testimonial – Mark

Here’s a big HELLO from out West and Southern California !!!!!

Hey Joe,
We hope you have a speedy recovery!! Sounds like you’ve had a string of bad luck. What’s with the back?? Let me understand this… had to have back surgery before you can have your hip repaired?

The Rollins’ would like to thank you again for all help and expertise in treating Mark. He has used his Pectus T-Joe experience as topics in his AP English courses. He has been meaning to write you, but as you know 17 yr old boys tend not to be letter writers.
He is running track at this time and usually places in the top 3. Your help gave him the additional confidence to continue participating in sports and work out. Of course this all contributes to his social standing and personality. He keeps saying no girl friends this year, but I’m always meeting a new “friend”……:)

At any rate, just wanted to let you know we’re thinking of you and wish you the best!!
Dan, Teri and MARK

Patient Testimonial – David


Hey! David’s chest is looking great, he is still wearing it at night, looks really good! I just received reimbursement from the insurance company (took exactly 2 months for a reply from my insurance grievance). They paid for it all except $190, so I’m thrilled by this! And they approved it because there was no other provider in this state. Hope things are going well with you. I know you probably hear this all the time but we are so grateful to have found you. It has made such a difference in David’s life & that of course makes us happy!

Jennifer Ca.

Patient Testimonial – Ryan

Hello Joe!

It’s Colleen, Ryan’s Mom. I just wanted to update you about Ryan and his future plans. He is graduating this year and has decided to join the Army…..I know, I know…this isn’t exactly what his Dad and I had planned for him, but he is so excited about this decision. He continues to use his brace during the afternoons and at night. He has also been lifting weights and running pretty regularly which is making a big difference. His chest looks pretty great, and he has become quite a handsome young man. I think you would be amazed by the transformation.
Thank you again for helping Ryan, and for being such a great source of support, physically and emotionally. We are so grateful to have found you…..thank you, thank you.


Patient Testimonial – Mark


I was thinking about all the wonderful people that have made a difference in our lives, and I thought of you !

Your website is great, and I’m so happy for you that you have expanded your services. What an incredible impact you make on young people’s lives. I still remember how Mark and I ventured to New Jersey six years ago, not really knowing what to expect, getting fitted for a brace and exercising in your first office !! It was by the grace of God that we were led to you……

Mark is now 21 and a senior at Clemson University in South Carolina. He is doing great. He is an accounting/finance major, so hopefully he will get a job somewhere after graduation! He has been dating ,,,,,, for about 3 years; she is a nursing major, and wants to work in pediatrics. Mark is very active on campus, giving tours and working at the visitor’s center, and he’s also on the judicial board. He still goes to the gym and exercises, as I think he will be ever mindful of the importance of maintaining strength in his core, as you taught him.

Please let us know if you are ever down south…we would love to see you. Let me know if I can help you expand your services down here…don’t know how, but would figure it out!!

My best to you, always,

Warmest regards,

Neda & Mark

Patient Testimonial – Chad

Hi Joe,

Haven’t been able to get Chad to skype. His mind is finally into summer now with his new outlook on life that he can’t bring himself to stop enjoying it for even a moment. He has been so engaged enjoying summer outdoors we can’t believe it. For the entire past year since he was diagnosed with pectus carinatum and his chest protrusion has gotten much bigger, he has hid in his room playing Xbox. He has completely stopped that and asked me to sell it!. I’m so amazed at the positive psycological impact of our encounter with you. I will keep trying to get him to skype if I can get him inside for a few minutes!

Thanks again,

Patient Testimonial – Evan

Hi Joe,

We are here at Soak City (a water park) and Evan is walking around bare chested (looking great) with his buddies having tons of fun … and I was just thinking how very difficult this moment would be if he hadn’t seen you.

So thank you again for changing his life!

Susan (Evan’s mom)

Patient Testimonial – Jacob


We just wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did with Jacob. Before we met you there were times I would have to hide the tears from my son as I looked at his chest and wondered how we would deal with this. Wondering if his teenage years would be filled with teasing or not wanting to participate in any sports. We are so grateful for your help and assurance that he would look normal. You are amazing for what you do!!!

Nicol N












Patient Testimonial – “J”

Hello Joe!

We read your great newsletter! Congratulations on branching out, across the country.
J’s chest looks completely normal! She’s on swim team and water polo team,
which she might not have done if it wasn’t for your brace.

Thank you so much.
Elizabeth, Dwight and J

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