Pectus Brace for Girls

Pectus Carinatum in Females

Having a chest wall deformity – pectus carinatum – a condition where the chest protrudes outward can present unique challenges, especially for girls. They often span physical, emotional, and social dimensions including feelings of self-consciousness, reduced self-esteem, social withdrawal, and limited clothing options.

Some of the most common problems our female patients describe include:   -chest pain   -uneven breasts   – shortness of breath   -bra digs-in

This is why we created the T-Joe Pectus Brace for Girls. Pectus Services stands alone as the only provider to offer a comfortable, low-profile version of our renowned T-Joe Pectus Brace specifically for developed females. The design allows for the safe correction of a carinatum deformity while not pressing on sensitive breast tissue.

Through the years we replaced so many horrifying medieval looking braces!  They are often painful; may not work; uncomfortable and unsafe as they may harm young, still developing breast tissue and the lymph glands within the breast. After their parents brought them to one of our Pectus Centers they were fitted with a customized T-Joe Female Pectus Brace. 


Our brace is generously padded, wrapped in soft, hygienic, warm washable covers. Oh – and the covers come in pink or purple!  We have many successful female outcomes. We have replaced many Before and After photos are available shown privately only.

The T-Joe Pectus Brace for Girls

The Female T-Joe Brace isn’t flat like others but molds and re-shapes the chest into a more natural appearance creating a wide swooping curve between the breasts as compared to our males who get a sharper crease between the pecs or chest muscles. We hope this gives an explanation of our unique and very personalized care provided to our female patients.

Lastly it’s important to know that our female patients are provided the utmost in medical privacy and professionalism during their appointment.  

Already have a brace?  Take the T-Joe Pectus Brace Challenge and compare your current brace with our super soft and comfortable T-Joe Pectus Bracing System. We are confident you will like it!   Say goodbye to gizmos and gadgets disguised as ‘pectus braces’.

How to Get a Pectus Brace for Girls

Our Female Pectus Improvement Program begins with an In-Office appointment for the most precise fit. However if unable to visit one of our Pectus Center Locations  Telehealth appointments are available.  

Each of our Pectus Centers have a comfortable waiting room often with snacks, bottled water or coffee. Oh and you may even be greeted by our resident pup – Holland! Once inside, our bracing rooms are private, warm, well lighted with comfortable chairs.

Click here to schedule an appointment for your female T-Joe Pectus Bracing System. 


Adult Pectus Carinatum Bracing

It is not uncommon for our office to receive an email or phone call from an adult requesting help for their protruding chest – pectus carinatum. Most of the calls are from men. Most adults seeking non-surgical treatment have commitments that prohibit them from undergoing surgery – a family; children to raise; a career to name just a few. .  

Often we hear – “my doctor told my parents it’s normal everything is fine”; or the doctor said “I would grow out of it when I get older”; or “lift weights to cover it up” the most troubling is for women who were told – their breasts would cover it. Well that is far from reality. 

For most adults who reach out to us, their chest still bothers them and want to improve it.  


The T-Joe Pectus Brace for Adults

We offer the only Adult Pectus Bracing Program available.  There are several challenges associated with a pectus brace for adults. Don’t worry Pectus Services is experienced and ready to help.

While bracing (non-surgical treatment) can be effective, gradually pushing the protrusion back into a more natural / normal chest position over time. There are several challenges associated with non-surgical bracing treatment for adults, a few are listed below.

  1. Reduced Flexibility: Adults typically have less flexibility in their chest wall compared to children and adolescents. As a result, achieving significant correction with bracing may be more challenging in adults, especially in cases of severe or rigid pectus carinatum.

  2. Discomfort and Skin Irritation: Wearing a chest brace for extended periods can be uncomfortable, particularly for adults who may have less tolerance for pressure on the chest. Skin irritation, chafing, and discomfort under the brace may occur, leading to decreased compliance with wearing the brace as prescribed.

  3. Limited Efficacy: Bracing may be less effective in adults with fully developed skeletal structures and less potential for cartilage remodeling compared to younger individuals. Adults may not achieve as much correction as children or adolescents undergoing bracing treatment.

  4. Psychological Impact: Pectus carinatum can have significant psychological effects, particularly on body image and self-esteem. Adults undergoing bracing treatment may experience additional psychological stress related to wearing the brace, feeling self-conscious about their appearance, or concerns about the effectiveness of treatment.

  5. Financial Considerations: Bracing treatment can be costly, and insurance coverage may vary depending on the individual’s policy and the specific criteria for coverage. Adults considering bracing may need to navigate financial challenges associated with treatment expenses.

  6. Longer Treatment Duration: Achieving optimal correction with bracing in adults may require a longer treatment duration compared to children or adolescents. This prolonged treatment period may require greater commitment and patience from adult patients.

  7. Limited Research and Evidence: While bracing is a recognized treatment option for pectus carinatum, there is relatively limited research and evidence specifically addressing its effectiveness in adults. This lack of robust evidence may contribute to uncertainty regarding the potential benefits and outcomes of bracing treatment for adults.

Despite these challenges, bracing is still considered an effective  treatment option for select adult patients with pectus carinatum, particularly in those who do not want surgery or surgery is not feasible.

It’s essential for adults considering bracing to schedule a Consultation Appointment with one of our highly trained and experienced T-Joe Clinicians to discuss the potential risks, benefits, and suitability of bracing treatment for their individual circumstances.

We look forward to assisting in your Pectus Care! 

Vacuum Bell for Pectus Excavatum

Pectus Services is one of the few providers in the United States offering the Vacuum Bell along with a comprehensive 1 year program. We have partnered with Pectus Healing a bell manufacturer. We have found their bell to be lightweight, high quality, and affordable. 

The program begins with completing some basic forms on our hipaa secure server. Some basic information is completed along with medical history. Next schedule an appointment for a Consultation by Telehealth or In-Office to determine if the child is a candidate.

If eligible the next step is an in-office appointment for a fitting. At this appointment measurements are taken such as the child’s height, chest width,  and the depth of the pectus excavatum defect are measured. Photos are also taken using our Pectus Wall Grid chart to help gauge scale and proportion along with monitoring visual progress and improvement.

Measurements are taken manually with a depth gauge along with our own 3D Pectus Scan. Our 3D imaging is done in-office and is radation free especially important for girls. Depth of the excavatum defect and the chest laterally. We then calculate our own Pectus Index (Haller Index).  The pectus index (PI) is based on our own calculation using years of data along with a somatotype body index factor.

The next step is the sizing and fitting of the appropriate size vacuum bell. The parents along with the child are taught how to place the bell onto the chest, number of pumps, hours to wear it and any other information. 

Lastly an exercise program is created that includes strength exercises, stretches to help lift and expand the chest, and lastly to improve the typical ‘pectus posture’ of rolled shoulders and slumped forward head.

Please note we do not offer the vacuum bell by mail. We also only offer it to kids and teens under 14 years old. After this age we have found the chest wall too ridgid to be improved by the bell. 

Our price includes the Initial Assessment, Monthly Appointments to monitor progress, additional 3D scans and measurement during the treatment time. Total Fee for the T-Joe Vacuum Bell Program: $950.00.  

Click here for an appointment. 


T-Joe Exercise Programs

A Pectus Improvement Program has several components. The most visible is your T-Joe Pectus Bracing System. But we believe improving a Pectus defect is not just about buying a brace.

Our program includes not only your brace but also an exercise program in conjunction with your doctor.

Your customized exercise regimen will be based on a thorough assessment and physical evaluation.

You are also welcome to take our exercise suggestions to your own Physical Therapist or Personal Trainer.

Here in New Jersey we have joined forces with the NJ Center of Physical Therapy who will be happy to provide an even higher level of therapeutic treatment.

Our exercise programs are designed with our 20 years of experience to reverse some of the effects of Pectus such as weak muscles, loss of flexibility, and poor posture. We have seen dramatic results when exercise programs are utilized in conjunction with out T-Joe Pectus Bracing System or prior to the nuss procedure for Pectus Excavatum.

Your exercise program will consist of a warm-up, stretching techniques, strength exercises, and finally a cool down.

The workout may use such equipment as:

  • Dumbells & hand weights
  • Medicine balls
  • Push up handles, resistive bands, & foam rollers
  • Treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical

Contact our office for a personal training evaluation and workout session!

Pectus Brace for Kids / Teens

We provide bracing systems for both Pectus Carinatum (pigeon chest) and Flared Ribs / Pectus Excavatum.

Pectus Brace

The T-Joe Pectus Brace is our flagship pectus brace first created in 1996. The T-Joe has nearly three decades and 6,000+ successful outcomes in 14 countries worldwide.  With years of modifications designed into it, the T-Joe has emerged as the premier brace used by physicians worldwide.  

The design of the T-Joe Bracing System allows for improvement of mild Pectus Carinatum defects to the most severe asymmetric carinatum deformities. Due to its sleek mechanical design, the T-Joe has the flattest profile of any brace available and comfortable to wear. Although Its not invisible, socially minded teenagers enjoy the fact that it’s really hard to see under clothing.

The anatomically friendly shape of the brace allows for unrestricted arm motion and can even be worn during physical activities, such as sports team practices, and gym class. The T-Joe Bracing System is customized to each person ensuring comfortable fit, and the best correction to the Pectus defect. We also offer the only female version of the T-Joe Pectus brace for young ladies – pink color available!

Flared Rib Bracing

We offer a version of the T-Joe Pectus Bracing System for Pectus Excavatum patients who often have ‘flared ribs’ or costal arch inversion. This is a condition where the lower ribcage sticks out and frequently goes along with both Carinatum and Excavatum chest wall defects.

The acclaimed T-Joe Pectus Bracing System boasts a custom design, and when coupled with our T-Joe Exercise Program and abdominal workout may re-shape the costal arches or flared ribs into a nice, flat, anatomically correct shape.

For Excavatum patients we suggest that it is best to wear the brace prior to PE surgery however the brace can also be used after surgery as well. Your doctor will determine the best course of treatment.

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